June 17, 2024
Welcome, Interns!
We’ve got fresh faces around our offices and jobsites — our 2024 summer interns have arrived.

Our teams across the country are welcoming 52 new interns to learn with us this summer. They are dedicated to hands-on learning in the office or on the jobsite while they’re on break from their respective colleges and universities.
For the first time, interns from all sides of our business gathered at the Cerris Strategic Center for a two-day orientation in Kansas City where they learned more about our company, participated in team-building activities, and visited both an MW Builders jobsite and MMC Contractors fab shop.
Our interns are here to build their networks, gain real-world experience, and acquire experience from their mentors. In addition to learning about our company and their respective fields, they’ll also have the opportunity to participate in activities such as volunteering and jobsite tours. At the end of the summer, students will also present their capstone presentations highlighting what they did throughout the summer.
We can’t wait to see what the summer has to offer our interns!