March 26, 2020
A Message From Our CEO
In this time of uncertainty, we are focusing on things that are certain – that we will all get through these challenging times together.
While we remain fully dedicated to our partners, our number one priority will always be our employees. Many of us have shifted our responsibilities to our home offices and are working remotely, but even more of us go to a jobsite every day to continue work that has been deemed essential to our economy. Setting up infectious disease rooms in hospitals, providing sanitizing services to facilities, and continuing to move forward on established projects, our teams across the country are giving it their all.
One thing I’ve stressed to our employees is that we can’t control the uncontrollable. But we can move the needle by focusing on what we can control – preparedness, social distancing, good hygiene, being a kind neighbor, sharing supplies, and taking care of ourselves. And every day, they do just that. Go to work, put on that hard hat, and do their part to help keep the rest of us safe.
It’s times like these that I’m reminded of what I love about the construction industry. It’s not just about seeing a project go from drawings to a building (although I love that too), it’s working alongside people who give 110% day in and day out.
We’ll be pushed to the limit over the next few months, and I know we will emerge as strong as ever and continue to do great things for our customers and our communities.
Be well and stay safe.
Tim Chadwick
MMC Corp, President & CEO